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It won an honorable mention for Best First Feature. The film had its world premiere in March 2021 at the BFI Flare: London LGBTIQ+ Film Festival and then also screened at Frameline: San Francisco LGBTQ+ Film Festival. The project is 107 minutes and a new U.S. The pair soon realize that pursuing this clandestine affair - and even openly declaring their love for each other - means risking their safety, Roman’s career in the Soviet air force, and their relationship with their most beloved friend from the academy, Luisa (Diana Pozharskaya).” Both a Cold War thriller and a true story of a secret love, Rebane’s feature highlights the steamy passions of young gay romance in an environment where expressing such feelings is lethal.

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“Firebird follows Estonian private Sergey (Tom Prior), who is awaiting the end of his term in the Soviet air force in the late 1970s when he falls for Roman, a daring fighter pilot played by Oleg Zagorodnii. Set during the Cold War, the film will be released on April 29, 2022, and is a passionate love story on an air force base in 1970s Soviet-occupied Estonia. The debut feature film from Estonian director Peeter Rebane, Firebird, is set for its U.S.

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