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Rangers are now headed for the Europa League Final in Seville in two weeks’ time where they will meet Eintracht Frankfurt, their third Bundesliga opponents in a remarkable run. Fifty years to the month since Rangers saw off a star-studded Bayern Munich team featuring Franz Beckenbauer, Gerd Muller, Paul Breitner and Sepp Maier to reach the final of the Cup Winners Cup they sealed a place in their fifth European final by quelling another German opponent in the last four. Let the scramble now begin for flights, tickets and accomodation. History doesn’t always repeat itself, but sometimes it rhymes. At the end of a week when Rangers mourned their long-serving kitman Jimmy Bell emotions ran high. RB Leipzig players fell to their backs, staring at the Glasgow sky.

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RANGERS 3-1 RB LEIPZIG (AGG 3-2) - STEPHEN McGOWAN AT IBROX: When three minutes of injury time were over Ibrox was almost swept away by a tsumani of joy.

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